InsureTech Funding: The Tale of Two Halves in 2024

InsureTech Funding: The Tale of Two Halves in 2024Oct 6, 2024

InsureTech Funding: The Tale of Two Halves in 2024

Ah, the world of InsureTech funding—where fortunes are made and lost faster than you can say "underwriting"! As we journey through 2024, let’s take a closer look at how the funding landscape transformed from the first half of the year (H1) to the second half (H2). Spoiler alert: it’s a tale of ups, downs, and some delightful twists!

H1 2024: The Funding Drought

Global Funding Takes a Dive
In H1 2024, InsureTech funding plummeted like a lead balloon, hitting just $2.1 billion. That’s a staggering 52% drop from the $4.4 billion raised in H1 2023. Yikes! Talk about a financial winter! ❄️

Deal Activity Hits a Snag
The number of transactions fell off a cliff, too. Only 117 deals were recorded in H1 2024, down 44% from the 209 funding rounds in H1 2023. That’s like throwing a party and only two people show up—awkward!

Average Deal Size Shrinks
The average deal size didn’t escape the downturn either. It decreased to around $17.9 million, down 15% from $21.1 million the previous year. It seems everyone was tightening their belts!

The Big Winner
The largest deal of H1 2024 went to Cover Genius, which snagged $80 million in a Series E round. That’s a sizable piece of the pie, but it just shows how sparse the feast was this year!

Regional Trends
In the UK, the insuretech scene also faced challenges, with no deals crossing the $100 million threshold. Instead, the largest was Hyperexponential’s $73 million Series B round, proving that even the most innovative minds were feeling the squeeze.

H2 2024: A Glimmer of Hope

Now, let’s turn our crystal ball to H2 2024 and peek at the funding trends emerging from Q2 data:

Funding Rebound
Hold onto your hats! Global InsureTech funding experienced a bounce-back, rising to $1.27 billion in Q2 2024—the highest since Q1 2023. That’s a 39.7% increase compared to the previous quarter! 🎉

Deal Count Declines
However, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The overall deal count fell to just 82 deals in Q2 2024, marking the lowest quarterly count since Q2 2020. It seems like investors were more cautious about where to place their bets.

Early-Stage Investment on the Rise
Interestingly, early-stage funding picked up steam, increasing by 34.9% over Q1 to reach $377.6 million. But hold your horses—early-stage deal count dropped by 21.9% to 50 deals. Bigger bucks for fewer startups?

Sector Focus: AI & Risk
AI-focused insuretechs were the belle of the ball, accounting for 32.9% of deals and raising a cool $445.8 million. Meanwhile, risk-focused insuretechs snagged 40.2% of the deals, bringing in $742.5 million. Looks like everyone wants to play it safe!

Notable Deals in the Spotlight
In a shining moment, Sidecar Health raised $165 million in a Series D round—Q2 2024’s largest deal. A hefty sum that underscores the trend towards larger but fewer investments in the insuretech sector.

The Bottom Line: A New Normal?

As we wrap up our tale of two halves, one thing is clear: while H1 2024 felt like a drought, H2 shows promising signs of recovery. However, with fewer deals on the table, it appears we’re heading into a new era of larger, but less frequent investments. As the InsureTech landscape continues to evolve, stakeholders must adapt to these changing tides.

So, whether you're an investor, entrepreneur, or just a curious observer, keep your eyes peeled! The InsureTech arena is anything but dull, and 2024 promises to be a thrilling ride.

What do you think? Will the second half of 2024 bring even more excitement to InsureTech? Let us know in the comments on our Linkedin Post.
